And you get that by kissing a kitten with catfood on it's are some starter pictures until I can figure out, for the thousandth time, how to load my recent pics into the right folder so I can share them with you.
That's Winston looking at you...
I gave in last night and ate a gianormous piece of cake. Otherwise the no binging is going well.
And on this day after the Boston Marathon bombings, let us not forget the Virginia Tech shootings. It is the anniversary of that terrible event today.
I can only hope that the violence that alarms us is not automatically associated with a mental health diagnoses...but I know it will be. Very few of the mentally ill are violent; we don't deserve the bad rap we already have, by associating us with the violent acts of those who are, simply, evil. Those who are drawn to violence as an answer, and those with invisible disabilities, are not one and the same.
It is, of course, much easier to blame those with invisible disabilities, when violence happens, and evil surfaces. It is a simplistic answer to a question that has been around for a very long time. And I realize, by giving the answer, "It's Evil" I am offering another simple label to slap on the problem. Confusion is not my intent.
I would just like to live in a world where those with a mental health diagnoses, are not associated with murderers. For us, as a society today, those who murder, are either 'mentally ill' or 'one of them.' Insert your favorite group to hate, or with which you associate evil acts...not that I am talking about You, my Faithful Reader.
Between the grief on the streets of Boston, and in Blacksburg, VA, today, and the beauty of the spring rain, and the new life I have with me, all I can say is that "...the leaf turns not yellow without the knowledge of the whole tree."
For me, it's a day to think about Peace, and to see what I can do about it. I am not going out and buy a Glock (handgun) in memory of those killed. I am not going to start sleeping with a shotgun. I have a dog who takes his guard duties very seriously...I suggest that if you feel threatened, you adopt a dog who takes his/her duties equally serious. Please have them spayed or neutered...
Then, look around in your local community to see how Peace might best be served. To me, that includes sharing my kindness with animals...
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