Saturday, March 16, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

I never celebrated St. Patrick's Day growing up, and didn't as an adult, until I found out that he was Scottish. Now, it's the time of the wearin' of the green! Have at it...and drink a green beer for me.

I missed my therapy session this week, yesterday, in fact. I just could not leave the house. Isolation is common for those with bpd (borderline personality disorder.) And I am showing classic symptoms this week. But I did take my anti-evil pills, and got a shower, both of which are the biggest hurdles to my morning. So, there is that.

In other news, it is shaping up to be a fine, Irish/Scottish day...warm with rain. Although the warm part is iffy...I have visited Scotland in March and there is nothing warm about it. For those who have not been able to make it 'home,' it is easy to see why so many Scot and Irish folk got to the foot of the Blue Ridge and Appalachian mountains, and decided to settle. It is so like to Scotland in this small corner of the world.

In the real world, the cats have settled down, like a coating of dust on fine wood. They always get stirred up when I wake, but quiet down if I don't let them out. And it is not so warm as all that. I am caught changing out the winter clothes for the summer, and they have made beds on the clothes where they could. I have shared my breakfast with the dog...he loves bananas.

There is no fine mist of green on the trees, yet. But the tulips are coming up and the daffodils came up two weeks ago. The pool outside my door once again resembles a pond, although it has not birthed any frogs as yet, and there are less leaves in it than last year. And while the grass is green in Scotland, year round, ours is still winter gold shot with green, as it gets in the winter. The shadows of the trees are softer now, not iron sharp. Everything drips with moisture, as it should here, but has not been, with climate change. We hope again for a summer filled with rainy days and summer clouds. Enough rain to feed the tomatoes and enough sun to help them.

Soon, it will officially be spring, and we will celebrate Easter. Persephone will come out of Hades, where she lives with her lord, and reside again with her mother, bringing flowers and food crops and fruit.

Here's hoping you can make it out of your own house, on this day, on this preliminary celebration of spring.

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