My mantra for a while had been, "It's not all about me." Now that I am better, my mantra is, "Sometimes it is, indeed, all about me." That is, I am working on myself at this point in my life, while keeping an eye on the whole, the dynamic system which is my world. This world includes others, and so I poke my head up now and again to see how everyone is doing, center myself on the most steadfast persons I know, and promptly go back to working on me: my attitudes, habits and choices. Believe me, you are better off that I do...
After falling out of my very best habits, over the holidays, I am back to a good routine. And I have been rewarded this morning by the soft rains falling over the mountains. The heat wave from the weekend is dissipating, thank the universe, and we are heading for some arctic blasts in a week or so. My promise to myself today? To walk the dog, if I can get him to go out in a fine mist. He has already decided today, that he doesn't have to pee, so much as to stay dry, and wouldn't let me tie him out. For a former country-stray, this dog is mighty picky.
Georgia wants out, but I have decided she is an indoor only cat, now. To wait and watch for her wild predecessor, Echo, to come back from the hunt, sometimes for days, took it's toll. Oh, my Echo! Her small presence still sleeps at the foot of the bed.
I have a small clock that I got a long time ago, and right now the only sound I hear is that clock ticking. And the soft pad pad of Minkins' feet. Rarely do I get a quiet morning like this one. And so I feel very peaceful. I will keep an eye on the rain, but am determined to walk today, dog or not. Time for the anti-evil pill...
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