Despite my lack of motivation of anything that resembles work, thanks to a cold, I have come here to spend some time with you this morning. Aren't you happy?
Had a friend 'unfriend' me on Facebook on Christmas Eve...with no explanation. Although she is a quirky writer, with the cuteness factor of that equated in, it is a bit too quirky and cute for me. Waiting until she came into town for the holidays? Priceless. In the land of passive-aggresive, it is one upmanship at it's best. What made it oddly painful was that she was a 'real-life' friend, not just one on Facebook. No clue here, but the vagaries of the mind...
So I concentrated on presents, lovingly given by some friends and family. With emphasis on the lovingly. In my spare time, I ate and ate and ate. If I don't buy sweets, I don't eat them, but what happens when they are delivered to one's door? It makes it that much easier to chow down. Not buying sweets is easy. Not eating the little tempting morsels is another...
Time for coffee...
So today is Boxing Day. In the UK, this is the day one gives presents, "boxes", to the people who make your year run more smoothly: the postman, the local grocer, the local shopkeeper, the trashmen, etc. At least I hope that is right, but I am too zoned by this cold to look it up. You look it up for me, won't you?
I wish I could settle into my bed with a fifth of bourbon and some tea and honey, but those days are past...the tea and honey are a much better choice, nowadays. And the swearing off of some fruitcake products should make everything seem better by noon. And no chocolate, either...the thought makes me shudder at this very moment...I need some protein.
Have a good Boxing Day and don't be down that Christmas is over. I am leaving my ceramic tree up until March; I like the colored lights...and have been known to leave a cut tree up until after Valentine's Day---the most useless holiday yet.
There you go... :)