Let's shoot the shit for a while. I have done some deep thinking since 3 o'clock this morn, and would like to share a realization with you.
It may make sense and it may not, as the case may be. But I call 'em as I see 'em, so here goes.
I am going to have to start making an attempt to look and live 'outside the box.' In the past, when anyone used that phrase, I acted as if I knew what that person was talking about, but, in reality, I had no idea what that meant. That's due to the fact that I was living 'in the box' and one can't see 'outside' when one is living in it...and so on and so forth. *Breathe*
Now, to me it means that I live in a culture, our society, which has placed dictates on the way I think, feel and act. This is true for everyone on the planet human. It's a survival of the herd mentality that supersedes Darwin's 'survival of the fittest.' The herd, for almost every creature on Earth, IS survival. 'The fittest' hasn't yet been born. There exists only the herd.
I have been trying to live my life by these dictates, and some of them aren't working for me. Such as the 'masculine' rule that our lives are based on a Western premise of thought: that is, the old Logic game, or, If not this, then that. Do you remember learning scientific ways of thought in elementary school? If something is not this, then something is that?
Without intending to be denigrating in any way to "that way" of thinking, I have decided from henceforth not to live or more importantly to judge myself by "that way" of thought. I am going to search for what to us is neither male nor female, but "the other thing."
And I can see the paradox here, believe me: I am still thinking, "If not this (masculine, western way), then that (feminine way.) I won't describe it as Eastern, because Western school of thought is not diametrically opposite of the Eastern school of thought. That I can see, there is no opposite of the Western or Eastern ways of thought, because all ways of thought expound the virtue and assume what we consider the obvious: that the masculine-way-of-domination-of-the-feminine-way is "the way of the world." And it is. You should really get a scoop of ice cream, or some marshmallow vodka for that one. Whichever choice works for you.
So, I will have to take a sideways step. I just haven't figured that out yet, because I have only just started thinking outside of the box, and am not, as a consequence, very good at it yet.
Now that I have really confused you and myself, I will have to eat a banana, and I will reflect on all the hominids who have consumed a banana since the beginning of recorded history, and quite a bit beyond that, in fact. Because some things do transcend gender, such as food and the intake of oxygen, and nifty things like the intake of water, and the cover of shelter...everything else is an option.
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